Regional Councils

The NASPO membership is broken into four regions of the country. These regions participate in monthly calls to discuss important regional issues, share NASPO information, enhance regional communication and collaboration, and evaluate potential involvement in current and future NASPO ValuePoint cooperative contract initiatives.

Each council holds an annual regional conference to further networking and knowledge-sharing among the states. The regional councils also act a planning work group for Regional Conferences working closely with the NASPO Programs Coordinator to develop conference content that is relevant to their region. Information concerning upcoming regional conferences can be found on the Events page.

Each region has a chair and vice chair that are elected by the region to preside over their regional council for a one year term. The 2021 chair and vice chair for each region can be found below.


Chair: Kelly Mix, Oregon
Vice Chair: Mindy Birk, Alaska


Chair: Genevieve Hayes, Michigan
Vice Chair: Stacia Dawson, Missouri


Chair: Jamie Tomaszewski, Maryland
Vice Chair: Courtney McCarty, Delaware


Chair: Lisa McKim, Oklahoma
Vice Chair: Rebecca Krystopa, Georgia

For more information concerning the dates and locations of previous Regional Conferences please check out the Past Events page.

How can we help?

We love helping our members and answering questions! Please reach out and we’re happy to help!

Future events
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